Tips To Improve Indoor Air Quality Naturally

When most people consider air quality, they tend to only focus on outside air. This is likely because power stations, industrial exhaust systems, and automobile exhausts are notoriously known for contaminating the air. Well, what would you think if you discovered that the air in your home was even more polluted? You’d be shocked and wondering just how that was possible, right? Unfortunately, it has been discovered that most homes throughout the United States have more contaminants in the air than what can be found in an industrial zone or big city. This is exactly why indoor air quality becoming an increasing concern amongst homeowners. It’s a good thing too when you consider just how much indoor air quality affects your life. It not only plays a huge role in your overall health, but it can regulate your mood. If you have asthmatic kids or elderly people with respiratory problems living in the home, there is an even greater concern for awareness. It is not uncommon for prolonged exposure to poor indoor air quality to lead to asthma attacks of the development of harsh respiratory diseases or lung cancer. So, how does one go about safeguarding the quality of indoor air?

Maintain A Clean Living Environment

This one is probably going to seem a bit self-evident, but you’d be surprised at how big of a role a clean home can play on your indoor air quality rating. This is especially true when there are pets in the home. Pet dander and dust particles are two of the biggest known harmful particles commonly found throughout most homes. Cleaning and maintaining your rugs and carpets at least twice a week would be a good idea since they can capture and hold harmful particles. Remember to use a vacuum cleaner with a good HEPA to make the process even more effective. Just because you have vinyl, hardwood, or linoleum it doesn’t mean you are off the hook. Although these materials don’t hold pollutants like rugs and carpets, they can be breeding grounds for negative environmental conditions. A good soapy, warm water will be the best way to tackle these applications. A microfiber mop might not only be easier for tackling these tasks, but these products might be more effective. If pets are commonly in the home, you can limit their contributions to the negative indoor air quality y keeping their coats cleaned and maintained. Wash their bedding at least once a week in 60 degrees F water. This will kill mites as well as other germs.

Maintaining Indoor Humidity

When most people consider humidity, they only think of comfort. While it is true humidity can play a huge role in your comfort, it can also create breeding grounds for mold growth, mildew, and fungi. These conditions will be especially troubling during those hot summer days when the outside humidity is at a max. The best way to maintain indoor humidity is with a dehumidifier. The best indoor humidity is anywhere from 30 to 50%. Leaking pipes and standing water are also two huge contributors to humidity issues. Not only will water create unwanted humid conditions, but it can be damaging. Bathrooms, attics, basements, and crawl spaces are key areas you’ll want to constantly monitor. Practicing other practical procedures is also a good idea. For instance, make sure you always empty your dehumidifier drain pan, run exhaust fans when cooking or showering, or hang your clothes outside to dry in the heat instead of running the dryer. If the dryer is located outside the home this likely won’t be as much of a concern. Avoid overwater houseplants and simply just practicing good common sense can go a long way.

Proper Ventilation

Speaking of exhaust fans and such, proper ventilation is a good way to drive away pollutants and contaminants. Cracking a door or window to bring in some fresh air might be your first thought. Such practices can even eliminate or limit the need to run your cooling system. However, you must consider your location. Are you located near dirt or gravel roads? Are you right smack dab in the middle of the air? Do you have industrial plants nearby? If these are the cases, you might want to avoid trying to bring in outdoor air because it probably won’t be so fresh. Not only this, but you’ll also want to consider the amount and type of indoor cleaners you use.


Although overwatering your houseplants is something you’ll want to avoid, introducing a houseplant or two can work wonders for your indoor air quality. Unfortunately, not all houseplants are equal in their properties and abilities to eliminate negative conditions. Make your selection carefully. Lilies, spider plants, ferns, and common corn plants are known for their ability to remove chemicals and carbon monoxide.

Reevaluate Your Furniture

When furnishing your home, the last thing you probably considered was air quality. Unfortunately, that is mistake number one. Some furniture pieces not only hold pollutants but release toxins. When exposed to sunlight or other environmental conditions certain materials can create harmful toxins. Finishing products like varnish and lacquers will only further contaminate the air quality. The best practice is to try to avoid any materials made from particleboard. Formaldehyde products should also be avoided, as they are usually glued together with adhesives that emit toxins. Some of these pieces might stop emitting toxins after a specific time while others might constantly be a threat.

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